
About the Company

Founded in 1973, Patagonia is much more than a clothing company, it’s the leader of the environmental movement in the outdoor industry. Patagonia’s status as an iconic brand is born from its steadfast adherence to its principles and environmental ethics, from its first publication “A Guide for Clean Climbing” to today’s call to “Save Our Home Planet.” However, it is also like any other business and must evolve and adapt to the changing circumstances over time to remain viable.

Our Partnership

Patagonia is really ‘from whence we came.’ Craig Wilson managed the entirety of its multi-channel strategy and direct business from its inception, scaling its growth from one to one-hundred million dollars. However, answering the question of loyalty is the most intriguing part of the story. Affectionately known as “Dirtbags,” Patagonia consumers are cult-like in their loyalty. Question is: Why? This is where the Brand Ecosystem Model was first inspired.

Strategy Focus

Realizing the core customer’s needs and tendencies as they grew in understanding the Patagonia brand, the ensuing strategy used every consumer touch point as both means to strengthen brand relationship and drive purchasing.

Demonstrated Impact

The work sparked the turn around of the business as a whole, and has governed strategy at Patagonia since 2006. For a privately held organization with a slow growth mentality, the shift was stunning. Patagonia became a $1B in 2018 demonstrating its most rapid period of growth during the recession of 2008 through 2010.