Service Design

Who is your next customer?

To predict who your next customer will be, know your existing customer first.

You want a new website? First, understand your advocates, how they become advocates, then
build the site that provides that process.

You want a social media presence? First, understand your advocates, how they become advocates and then put the social mechanisms in place that help that process.

You want to sell direct to your consumer? First, understand your advocates, how they become advocates and build a business model (retail, web, catalog, wholesale environment) that allows that to happen.

You want to grow? First, understand your advocates, how they become advocates and put the right message in the right place at the right time to nurture existing customers and convert new ones.

Seth Godin says it maybe a touch more succinctly, “Start with [knowing your customer] before you spend time on tactics, technology or scalability.”